Ashanti Toi - ashantitoi



Birth Sign: Gemini
Stats: 32D-24-36
Height: 5’0
Hometown: Sacramento, CA
Ethnicity: Multi-racial
Profession: Model

My birth name is Ashanti however I also go by Toi. I do not have a preference for either name. I was born on May 30 in Stockton, California. Northern California is where I have lived throughout most of my life and the only thing I dislike about Cali period is that the weather is not HOT enough! I am currently pursuing my passions in life as a model/actress and make-up artist. Since I was a young child My mother used to tell me: “Baby we were Blessed with Natural Beauty but, Creativity & Knowledge is always a must have. You can never have enough so always be willing to learn & try new things cause what you have to offer from within you, people cherish so much more…” She has always supported me and pushed me to be involved in fashion, modeling and performing which has been and will continue to be a huge focus in my life. I have been a cheerleader, Go-Go dancer, runway model, film actress, print model, music video vixen, dance team member and the list goes on. There is so much more to me than my career. I truly enjoy traveling, especially places with HOT weather; eating all of my favorite foods & more; exercising, reading; camping, water skiing, wake boarding; dancing; snow boarding, skiing, hiking; fishing; roller skating; bike riding; watching movies; listening to music by some of my favorite artist; acting silly/hanging out with close friends and loved ones and much, much more…. They say “pictures are worth a thousand words” so to learn more about me continue to drop by & check me out!

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